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DragonKing Dark: The fatal Dale Earnhardt crash

On a new DragonKing Dark, I continue our weekly look into the 100 darkest moments in pop culture history. This time, I explore the fatal accident of Dale Earnhardt in Daytona Beach, FL, at 2001’s NASCAR Daytona 500 when 17 million people witnessed

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DragonKingKarl Classic Wrestling Show: The F4W diss rap

This week’s DragonKingKarl Show is not family friendly. Sorry, but sometimes I need to say something with an exclamation point. I’ve been around F4W Online before Dave Meltzer even arrived and now, we have a johnny-come-lately who has been passively aggressively messing with

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DragonKing Dark: Night of the Bullshido

We continue our countdown to episode 250 of DragonKing Dark where we will be starting a new fresh season of our podcast. This week, we present a special edition called Night of the Bullshido where I take a look into the fictional world of

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DragonKing Dark: Avenging Angels

We continue our look at supernatural aspects as presented in comic book stories and this week, I investigate the theme of avenging angels, angelic beings sent by a high power to right wrongs and serve justice. Obviously, they are vastly powerful and are

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