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  • Dragon King (263)
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DragonKing Dark: The Lance Armstrong scandal

DragonKing Dark: The Lance Armstrong scandal

Karl Stern’s run through dark moments in pop culture history continues. Lance Armstrong is far and away the most famous cyclist that has ever lived, dominating the Tour de France and many other world class cycling events.  He was pop culture famous in

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DragonKingKarl Classic Wrestling Show: August 1983

DragonKingKarl Classic Wrestling Show: August 1983

Karl Stern’s longform history of pro wrestling continues. On the latest DragonKingKarl Classic Wrestling Show, my longform series on the history of pro wrestling is up next in the rotation. We are up to August 1983 where we discuss Ken Patera in Memphis,

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DragonKing Dark: The strange funeral of Graham Parsons

DragonKing Dark: The strange funeral of Graham Parsons

Karl Stern’s deep dive into pop culture infamy continues. My journey through the 100 darkest moments in pop culture history series continues on this week’s DragonKing Dark and this week, our show has a twist.  Yes, it was a tragedy that 26-year-old singer/songwriter

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DragonKing Dark: The Chris Brown scandals

DragonKing Dark: The Chris Brown scandals

Karl Stern discusses the controversial music artist. My look through the 100 darkest moments in pop culture history begins winding down and this week, we take a look at the domestic violence scandals of music artists Chris Brown. Brown has been hugely successful,

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DragonKing Dark: The death of Edgar Allan Poe

DragonKing Dark: The death of Edgar Allan Poe

Karl Stern’s look through the darkest moments in pop culture history continues. My ongoing spin through the 100 darkest moments in pop culture history series continues and this week, it is dark in many ways. The master of dark literature, Edgar Allan Poe,

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DragonKing Dark: The death of Ernest Hemingway

DragonKing Dark: The death of Ernest Hemingway

Karl Stern’s darkest moments in pop culture series continues. Ernest Hemingway literally changed the entire genre of popular literature. Preceded by the flowery and verbose language of the previous era, Hemingway wrote in a more straightforward style, often holding back and allowing silence

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