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  • After Dark (269)
  • Dragon King (13)
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DragonKing Dark: Time

We focus on a listener-requested topic for this week’s DragonKing Dark podcast. What is time? Is it even real? Is it a construct of the human mind only for measuring motion — or is it a real testable part of the fabric of the

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DragonKing Dark: The Devil and Aleister Crowley

On this episode of the DragonKing Dark podcast, we take a second look at the devil in rock music. This time, not just fringe super hardcore death metal, but in popular mainstream music. Then, we play the only known voice recording of Aleister

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DragonKing Dark: Satan in pop culture, pt. 1

This is the first of an ongoing series of DragonKing Dark shows exploring the idea of Satan and the Devil in popular culture. This week’s show explores how Satan has been used both seriously and as a storytelling device in popular music over

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DragonKing Dark: Cloned monkeys

In recent news, a group of Chinese scientists have successfully cloned twin monkeys. And on this edition of DragonKing Dark, host Karl Stern will discuss the fact, fiction, hype, and myth about the modern day mad science of cloning things. Karl also takes

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DragonKing Dark: In the news this week

On this episode of the DragonKing Dark podcast, host Karl Stern takes a look at weird and odd stories in the news. This week we again seek out UFO sightings in the news, there is now evidence that a disease killed off the

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DragonKing Dark: In the News

On this episode of the DragonKing Dark podcast, host Karl Stern takes the show back to its origins with “what’s in the news?” This week we have two UFO stories, including a video from Mexico of a vertical UFO. We discuss the recent

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DragonKing Dark: Karl opens the mailbag

On the first DragonKing Dark podcast of 2018, host Karl Stern cleans out the mailbag which features a variety of topic requests for the new year and several questions and even accusations! We talk UFOs, Karl is accused of being a conspiracy theorist,

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DragonKing Dark: Karl rants about 2017

It’s the last day of the year! 2017 is gone and in the words of Yoda, “not short enough was it.” 2017 will be long remembered as the year no one could get along with each other, every politician was evil, the world

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DragonKing Dark: UFOs in the news

UFOs are in the news after newly-released footage of a Navy encounter with an Unidentified Flying Object. Plus, the Pentagon finally admits there was a program in recent history to study UFOs. Is NASA preparing for something? Are we being conditioned for a bigger

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DragonKing Dark: 2017 was a bad year

No, this isn’t a year in review, though we do talk about some of the events that took place in 2017. 2017 wasn’t the best year ever for most. Certainly not for the United States. With social upheaval, division, a country deeply divided,

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DragonKing Dark: The Silent Twins

On this edition of DragonKing Dark, host Karl Stern takes a look at the strange case of the Silent Twins. Two twin sisters who lived in the UK isolated themselves from others to the point that they developed a secret language only the

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DragonKing Dark: Jack The Ripper

On this week’s edition of DragonKing Dark, we continue our serial killer series with probably the most infamous serial killer in all of history — the Victorian-era murderer Jack the Ripper.  Who was Jack the Ripper? Does anyone know? Does anyone even have any good

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DragonKing Dark: Dr. Thomas Neill Cream

On this week’s edition of DragonKing Dark, we continue our serial killer series with a man who “may” have claimed to be Jack the Ripper — Dr. Thomas Neill Cream. His claim to have been Jack the Ripper (if he even actually made

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DragonKing Dark: Ed Gein

Ed Gein — The Butcher of Plainfield — is the inspiration for many horror movie archetypes such Leatherface and Psycho. Gein shocks us not just because he killed, but because he also robbed graves and had a sick fascination with wearing the skins

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