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July 5 2010 Karl Stern Show

Karl Stern presents the first ever Karl Stern Masterpiece Theater edition of the Classic Wrestling Audio Show. I preform for you issue 4 of WWE Heroes by Titan Comics, perhaps the worst comic series in the history of comics.

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July 2 2010 Karl Stern Show

On this new edition of the Karl Stern Classic Wrestling Audio more questions from the email basket with topics including Michael Lee and other white bread babyfaces, more on WWE comics, The Snowman, origins of tag team wrestling, Dick Murdoch, Halls of Fame,

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June 16 2010 Karl Stern Show

A new edition of the Karl Stern Classic Wrestling Audio Show with talk on 3rd and 4th generation wrestlers, WWE NXT angle, the complicated Samoan family, Blackjack Mulligan and counterfeiting, going from shoot to work or did it?, Ron Bass, a can’t miss

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June 1 2010 Karl Stern Show

PART 2: The Karl Stern Classic Wrestling Audio Show is a double-decker this Memorial Day weekend (U.S.). Topics covered in this two parter (over two hours in all) include my review of the worst comic book series in the history of comics- WWE

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May 30 2010 Karl Stern Show

PART 1: The Karl Stern Classic Wrestling Audio Show is a double-decker this Memorial Day weekend (U.S.). Topics covered in this two parter (over two hours in all) include my review of the worst comic book series in the history of comics- WWE

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May 14 2010 Karl Stern Show

A new discussion of old school wrestling. Topics include Killer Kahn, Memphis wrestling, Jerry Jarret’s eye redux, Strangler Lewis goes blind, early Southeastern Wrestling, Austin Idol, Mongolian Stomper, The Sheik, Terry Funk vs Jerry Lawler empty arena match, Bill Eadie as the Masked

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May 5 2010 Karl Stern Show

A new edition of the Karl Stern Classic Wrestling Audio Show featuring talk about some pioneering of mixed martial arts including Antonio Inoki and his various “shoots” including one in Pakistan and his infamous one with Muhammad Ali. Also a lengthy discussion about

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April 19 2010 Karl Stern Show

To make up for the technical glitch in the last show, here is another new edition of the Karl Stern Classic Wrestling Audio Show (which this time actually is a whole show). Topics this episode include the greatest computer game in the history

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April 15 2010 Karl Stern Show

Good stuff this show: The best pro wrestling movie you will ever see- Night and the City featuring Stanislaus Zbyszko and Mike Mazurki. Who were these men and what did they do in wrestling? The story of Stanislaus shoot with Wayne Munn. The

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March 16 2010 Karl Stern Show

The second Karl Stern Classic Wrestling Audio show this week features talk on 1940s wrestling, odd intellectual gimmicks, Rick Martel, ring’s breaking, Bullet Bob & The Flame, more 2nd gen tag teams, good angles gone bad, and more TNA Impact hate.

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