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Figure Four Online’s best of 2019 audio, part 3

In the past year, our website produced 1100 podcasts over 12 different shows. Thanks to subscriber Philippe Perez and voting on The Board, we present the final installment of the Best of 2019 podcast series for free, looking at some of the best segments, discussions,

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Figure Four Online’s best of 2019 audio, part 2

In the past year, our website produced 1100 podcasts over 12 different shows. Thanks to subscriber Philippe Perez and voting on The Board, we present part two of the Best of 2019 podcast series for free, looking at some of the best segments, discussions, bits, and

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Figure Four Online’s best of 2019 audio, part 1

In the past year, our website produced 1100 podcasts over 12 different shows. Thanks to subscriber Philippe Perez and voting on The Board, we present part one of the Best of 2019 podcast series for free, looking at some of the best segments, discussions, bits,

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