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WON/F4W Best of 2018 audio, part 3

Thanks to subscriber Philippe Perez and voting on The Board, we present the final part of the Best of 2018 podcast series. Here’s part one and part two if you missed them. In this two-hour show, we go through moments 13 through 33 with stops on the Bryan

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WON/F4W Best of 2018 audio, part 2

Thanks to subscriber Philippe Perez and voting on The Board, we present part two of the Best of 2018 podcast series. Here’s part one if you missed it. In this two-hour show, we go through moments 13 through 33 with stops on the Bryan & Vinny Show,

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WON/F4W Best of 2018 audio, part 1

Thanks to subscriber Philippe Perez and voting on The Board, we present part one of the Best of 2018 podcast series. In this 90-minute kickoff, we go through 34-50 with stops on the Bryan & Vinny Show, Filthy Four Daily, Wrestling Observer Radio, Karl Stern,

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