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  • Bryan and Vinny Show (2355)
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January 1 2010 Bryan and Vinny Show

It’s the very first Bryan and Vinny Show of 2010, which makes it the first show of the NEW DECADE~! We’re here to discuss a ton of things including the January 4th battle, which things get bleaker for TNA by the day, the

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December 30 2009 Bryan and Vinny Show

The Bryan & Vinny Show returns tonight with almost no more Christmas. Almost but not quite. You see, in the rubble left behind by the Christmas show were three or four lonely gifts left unopened, so we’ll tackle them here and spread some

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DECEMBER 25 2009 Bryan and Vinny Show

IT’S THE ANNUAL BRYAN AND VINNY CHRISTMAS SHOW. You all know the drill by now. This show is two and a half hours of drunken debauchery. There is almost no wrestling or MMA talk to speak of. None. The hosts are in a

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December 23 2009 Bryan and Vinny Show

The Bryan & Vinny Show returns today with one goal in mind — to be better than Raw on Monday. I think we did it, but that is up to you to decide. Three things to discuss today. That shitty Raw, Smackdown from

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December 16 2009 Bryan and Vinny Show

The Bryan & Vinny Show returns tonight with, if I dare say so myself, an insufferably long show. NINETY minutes of action, including thoughts on last week’s Smackdown, Sunday night’s TLC show, and the three-hour Raw is Dennis Miller from Monday night. We’ve

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December 11 2009 Bryan and Vinny Show

The Bryan & Vinny Weekend Show returns today to talk the latest pro-wrestling programming. Impact back, and Kevin Nash was right when he said, “Have we got a program for you tonight!” Where is Jim Cornette when we need him. Also, ECW, which,

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December 4 2009 Bryan and Vinny Show

The Bryan & Vinny Show returns tonight, and God knows how but we went 90 minutes. I blame Impact, which actually was great in terms of pro-wrestling and pretty much horrible in terms of booking. Groundhog Day here on the show. We’ve also

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December 2 2009 Bryan and Vinny Show

It’s the return of the GREAT AND WONDERFUL BRYAN AND VINNY SHOW~! Today we’ll talk all sorts of stuff, much of it horrible, including KERRY VON ERICH FUCKED UP AT MSG, a bunch of other horrible matches from early 1992, Smackdown, Raw, plus

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November 27 2009 Bryan and Vinny Show

The Bryan & Vinny Show returns for a THANKSGIVING SPECIAL~! We have much to be thankful for on this special day, including GRANNY, who has some great tales, IMPACT, which was probably the best Impact of the year, some AWESOME SONGS~!, and more!

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November 25 2009 Bryan and Vinny Show

The mighty Bryan & Vinny Show returns tonight with what I just realized was this week’s FREE SHOW~! And what a show you’ll get. Smackdown, three hours of Raw with Jesse Ventura, Survivor Series, an on-air tragedy strikes Vince, some great new songs,

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November 20 2009 Bryan and Vinny Show

It’s the weekend edition of the Bryan & Vinny Show~! Packed program tonight as we’ll open with Granny doing her Q&A and talking about how one of her friends got a little too rowdy at a TCW show. Then we’ve got some TV

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