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DragonKing Dark: Zombie dogs

Continuing our theme from last week, the line between life and death gets even less clear and more strange as we look at Russian experiments from the 1940s (and as recent as 2005) where dogs were killed, then brought back to life in various

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DragonKing Dark: The first American UFO

In the 1600s in Puritan Massachusetts, the governor of the colony wrote of two UFO experiences. In the final part of our series looking at UFO sightings before the age of airplanes and man-made flying objects, we look at what the people of

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DragonKing Dark: The Baltic Sea Anomaly

Sitting 300 feet below the Baltic Sea is a strange, circular object about 200 feet across in size, which some explorers say cancels out radio transmissions nearby, appears to have a staircase descending down a deep black hole, and appears to be made of

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DragonKing Dark: Ancient aliens

This week’s episode is another Patreon-requested topic, and we will certainly have to do more than one show on this one. I love ancient aliens. Now, mind you, I hate the television show, but I love the theory and there is some great stuff

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DragonKing Dark: Washington DC

Image: Host Karl Stern and family recently traveled to Washington DC on vacation, and on this episode of DragonKing Dark, Karl takes a look at some of the various conspiracies and stories surrounding the city such as its Masonic and occult layout,

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DragonKing Dark: Aunt Jenny Johnson revisited

Karl Stern and family are on vacation this weekend where he will be gathering information for an upcoming episode of DragonKing Dark. For this week, here is an oldie but a goody! A remixed version of one of our first and most popular shows

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DragonKing Dark: Uncontacted Peoples

Today’s show is focused on a great topic suggestion from one of our patrons — The moral and ethical questions of contacting uncontacted peoples. While extremely rare, there are groups of people who have lived very isolated lives away from modern society. What are the ethical

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DragonKing Dark: Dyatlov Pass

It is one of the most famous incidents of possible paranormal manifestation known in modern popular culture. A group of Russian hikers turn up dead with mysterious circumstances and clues as to what happened. Decades later, there are many ideas about what happened

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DragonKing Dark: Missing

Another listener and supporter suggested a topic based on the Missing 411 book series and movie for this week’s episode. But before we can discuss that, we need to take a cold, hard look at the reality of the situation. In this episode,

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DragonKing Dark: Bullshido

Requested by one of our patrons at, this episode looks at the mystic martial arts scams and cons of the 1970s into the era of UFC and mixed martial arts where the general public finally learned how real fighting works and that

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DragonKing Dark: The Mandela Effect

Have you ever remembered something vividly only for it to turn out to be false? This happened to me once. But what if a huge group of people remember events that didn’t actually happen or remember actual events wrong? A glitch in the Matrix? An alternate

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DragonKing Dark: Serial Killers

Is there true evil in the world? Can a person be born evil? What is evil? On today’s episode, host Karl Stern talks about despots who murdered thousands, even millions of people, mass killers who killed several to dozens at once, and serial killers who

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DragonKing Dark: The Mummy

On this episode of DragonKing Dark, host Karl Stern takes a look at another archetype of monster lore — The Mummy! The Mummy was one of the 1940s Universal Monster movies, a Marvel Comics character, and more! Why would we be afraid of

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AD: Monsters and mysteries of Iowa!

After Dark Radio with Bryan Alvarez is back today with a look at the monsters, mysteries, hauntings and assorted paranormal activity of the great state of IOWA! We continue our journey across the nation, and it’s a fun show as always so check

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DragonKing Dark: Into the Storm

On this week’s episode of DragonKing Dark, host Karl Stern relates his personal experience of surviving not one, but two, historic tornado outbreaks. First Karl talks about the 1974 Super Outbreak which destroyed the town of Guin, Alabama and killed one of his relatives.

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