DragonKing Dark: The Devil in the details

DragonKing Dark: The Devil in the details

DragonKing Dark continues to explore the greatest mysteries of the universe (and, perhaps, beyond). This week, I take a look at Satan or, the Devil. It’s almost irrelevant if you believe in the Devil or not because billions of others do and those

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DragonKing Dark: UFOs everywhere

DragonKing Dark: UFOs everywhere

You can’t turn on the news these days without being inundated by news about UFOs (or UAPs as they are now branded). The military is seeing them, Harvard professors are seeing them, the public is seeing them — it’s madness!  Had this happened

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DragonKing Dark: Going darker

DragonKing Dark: Going darker

The newly revamped DragonKing Dark begins our new podcast journey looking at the mysteries of the universe, the unexplained and the unknown. And we aren’t just going to take your word for it. We are going to examine these mysteries and ask ourselves

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