DragonKing Dark: Dr. Strange’s Eye of Agamotto

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Marvel Comic universe, there exists an esoteric object of incredible magical power: the Eye of Agamotto. Possessed by Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme Dr. Strange, the Eye of Agamotto is a storytelling device which offers up a solution

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DragonKing Dark: The Ancient of Days

We return to our metaphorical museum of curiosities this week for a very curious object indeed. Spoken about in passing in the Bible but discussed in greater detail in Kabbalah literature, we examine The Ancient of Days, a device of some sort which

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DragonKing Dark: The Shroud of Turin

This week on Dragon King Dark, we enter our mythical museum of curiosities and find a real object that can be periodically seen and studied: the Shroud of Turin. Over the centuries, many Christians have revered this cloth as the burial shroud of

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