DragonKing Dark: Flat Earth Theory

Host Karl Stern took a look at the hollow earth theory last week, considering underground seas, life, and even civilizations. This week, Karl looks at an antiquated theory that has seen new life in recent years — that the planet Earth is actually flat

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DragonKing Dark: Hollow Earth

We know more about what’s beyond us than what is below us. Great books and movies have speculated about underground worlds and civilizations. There is even a long-running theory that the world is hollow with its own inner sun and civilizations. What is

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WOR: Raw, new champion, friendship smashed, more!

Wrestling Observer Radio with Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer is back tonight with tons of news including a full rundown of a very packed Raw with a WWE Women’s Title change and the FESTIVAL OF FRIENDSHIP gone horribly awry. Plus, WWE injury updates,

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