DragonKing Dark: The Baghdad Battery

It’s one of the most famous advanced artifacts in popular culture. Its past and even its discovery is shrouded in mystery. Found sometime in the early 1900s, a battery-like device appeared in a museum in Iraq. It has been replicated and tested to actually

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DragonKing Dark: Moral compass

This week on DragonKing Dark podcast, host Karl Stern talks about your moral compass. Where does it come from? What directs your ethics in life? Is religion necessary to developing one? Why do some people seem to lack one? As part of our

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WOR: Wrestling Observer Live Mailbag Audio!

Wrestling Observer Radio with Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer is back today with our live mailbag from San Francisco! Over 90 minutes of questions on everything under the sun! This show will also be available this afternoon at video.f4wonline.com! A super fun time

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WOR: Cody talks with Dave Meltzer

As part our continuing coverage of the NJPW G1 Special in San Francisco, CA, Wrestling Observer founder and publisher Dave Meltzer spoke with former ROH Champion and Bullet Club star Cody on Friday afternoon. In this 30-minute talk, the two discussed Cody’s impending

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