DragonKing Dark: A.I. glitches and alien rocks

On this edition of the DragonKing Dark podcast, host Karl Stern takes a look at stories in the news — including a story about how young people today are turning off the news in large numbers because they don’t trust it. Plus, the Mars

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DragonKing Dark: All in Your Head

Ghosts, the paranormal, UFOs, religious experience — is it all just in our heads? Everything we experience and perceive is literally just our brains interpretation of input from our senses. People with certain mental disorders and illnesses like dementia seemingly experience real events

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DragonKing Dark: Is tech bad for us?

Is technology bad for us? In so many ways, technology has helped mankind and advanced us to live longer and healthier lives. But it has come with a cost. While tech has opened up the world and given us instant access to information

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