DragonKing Dark: Newspaper archive Halloween murders

This week on DragonKing Dark from the WhenItWasCool.com Podcast Network, host Karl Stern goes to Newspapers.com to search for murders that happened on Halloween. It’s true crime meets Halloween with stories from the early 1900s when, apparently, Halloween could get pretty rough. From

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DragonKing Dark: UFOs and aliens in the news

Have you caught the news lately? You know that I usually advise against that, but in this instance, I’m making an exception. There has been a lot of talk about UFOs and aliens recently with snake-like UFOs, hints by NASA that something is

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WOR: Hell in a Cell 2019 and more!

Wrestling Observer Radio with Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer is back with, yes, your Hell in a Cell 2019 recap show! All the matches and angles including everything you ever wanted to know about the stupid main event, random babyfaces and heels, match

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